Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Endured Turning 30!!!

I'm such a blogger slacker.  I have thought of many great posts or had random thoughts, but have yet to make the time to blog.  While I avoid getting out of bed this Saturday (i have already showered though) I thought it would be an appropriate time to just share a little thought.  It's not profound or anything special, but I just didn't want to be silent anymore.
I was such a basket case leading up to my birthday.  I think I have slight case of Fragapane Phobia...fear of Birthdays (if that is the wrong term then just go with it still).  Ever since I turned 20 I have seriously hated birthdays.  I get all weird and after the first of the year I basically start to age myself and say I'm almost whatever year I am about to turn.  Who does that?  Why the heck do I start to age myself before it's time?  Anyway, I try to avoid talking about my birthday, I cry, I get this internal panic like I haven't accomplished what someone my age should...I know I'm crazy huh.
I am always pleased when the day is done.  Done because I don't have to think about it for another year, but mainly because I always have such great things happen.  I have so many people who love me and make sure it's my special day (or week this year).  I love presents too!  I got some really great and thoughtful presents and birthday wishes this year and it just makes me appreciate life so much more.  I am 30.  It's a new age group where you think more things are expected of you, but I will show this year what I am made of and I'm going to be a better and hotter 30 year old than I was a 29 year old.
Don't hate me if I start to say I'm twenty ten though. ;)


  1. Sorry that I missed your birthday. Maybe we can celebrate your next one together... and it shouldn't be considered "enduring", but being "blessed by another year on Earth".
    Love ya!
