3 days ago
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I will Survive!
I got a job, took me one month...but I think I have my foot in the door finally for design. It's just a secretary job, but it's an aspect of design I can learn about and eventually help design. :) I think I'll still have to get a night job to get enough money to survive, but I will Survive!
Giga Pet
Remember the days when little girls like my sister had Giga pets, you know the key chain that was a virtual pet? I never got into them. I thought they were stupid. This little 1 inch screen with a pixelated creature that needed attention. I guess there was a way to feed it when it was hungry, play with it when it was bored, watch it sleep, and they could even die if you ignored it (tell me if I'm wrong). Kinda creepy if you ask me...that's why I don't think we see them around anymore.
Last night I got the feeling like my smart phone needed too much attention from me. I still don't know what the heck I'm doing with that thing. It would take 5 steps for me to even dial 911 so I pray I will never be in an emergency because I would be too flustered to know how to get to the dial pad. Anyway, last night and many other times it informs me of my possible updates. I usually ignore them, but I guess it is important for the functionality of my apps to be updated.
I just get the feeling that those who played with such things like virtual pets were more prepared to take on a smart phone than me. My sister knows so much more and it shows.
Yeah well I'm way better at taking care of a real animal than her ;).
Love you Lindsey!
Last night I got the feeling like my smart phone needed too much attention from me. I still don't know what the heck I'm doing with that thing. It would take 5 steps for me to even dial 911 so I pray I will never be in an emergency because I would be too flustered to know how to get to the dial pad. Anyway, last night and many other times it informs me of my possible updates. I usually ignore them, but I guess it is important for the functionality of my apps to be updated.
I just get the feeling that those who played with such things like virtual pets were more prepared to take on a smart phone than me. My sister knows so much more and it shows.
Yeah well I'm way better at taking care of a real animal than her ;).
Love you Lindsey!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Here I am...
I did it, well 2 weeks ago I did it. I moved to Salt Lake City, Utah. Why you ask? I'm a crazy nut that's why. As before mentioned I needed change. Change is good huh? I'm kinda still waiting for that good part to start. I am currently freaking out because I have yet to find a job. If you know me or stumble across my blog for some reason please oh please say a prayer I will find a job soon. It has been only 2 weeks and I know the average unemployment time is 6 months, but I just can't do 6 months! Holy Moly I would not know what to do.
I have had some pretty great times here and some pretty awful times as well...ok just one really awful moment when my car got towed and cost me $275 to get out, but still that guy needs to rot in hell. Yes, I think he is an awful guy to tow my car and because of how he treated me. If you are a Facebook friend I'm sure you read all about it in my status. It just wasn't a good way to start off the fresh start is all.
Tomorrow is Monday and it's going to be a great week. A great week because I will find a job (look at me being all positive) and I will be grateful for what I have.
I will find a job, I will find a job, I will find a great job. I will be successful!
I have had some pretty great times here and some pretty awful times as well...ok just one really awful moment when my car got towed and cost me $275 to get out, but still that guy needs to rot in hell. Yes, I think he is an awful guy to tow my car and because of how he treated me. If you are a Facebook friend I'm sure you read all about it in my status. It just wasn't a good way to start off the fresh start is all.
Tomorrow is Monday and it's going to be a great week. A great week because I will find a job (look at me being all positive) and I will be grateful for what I have.
I will find a job, I will find a job, I will find a great job. I will be successful!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
You mess with me and I will chase you down!
I had a lovely Friday especially since I got to hang out all day with my great friend Jana. We made ourselves look mighty fine for another dear friends wedding. She got married in the Spokane Washington Temple and I AM FINALLY ABLE TO GO SEE FRIENDS GET MARRIED!!! I just love it, but it was a very tender event to watch. I am so grateful to have been able to be there.
RhiannaReed Stroh is now a married woman! She did everything vintage and I wish I had photos of all the details from her reception. Oh and I've never seen someone have so many cakes!
After driving back from the reception Jana and I were run off the road by an idiot driver. Blasted Montana driver...and to think that's the state I was born in. Shameful really. He was a bully driver and if I would have tapped my breaks he would have hit me. I put my blinker to get over, but couldn't because of all the cars coming on to the freeway and no one likes a jerk who wont let them get on. Anyway soon after as I was still passing people he decided to get in the right lane and run me off the road to get ahead of me. I truly had to get on the shoulder of the freeway to save our lives. Then for the next 8-10 miles I chased him down to get his plate number. I called the police and let them know of the idiot driver. He was a bully driver and not to just me. I hope they got him. That fool! You mess with me and I will chase you down!
After driving back from the reception Jana and I were run off the road by an idiot driver. Blasted Montana driver...and to think that's the state I was born in. Shameful really. He was a bully driver and if I would have tapped my breaks he would have hit me. I put my blinker to get over, but couldn't because of all the cars coming on to the freeway and no one likes a jerk who wont let them get on. Anyway soon after as I was still passing people he decided to get in the right lane and run me off the road to get ahead of me. I truly had to get on the shoulder of the freeway to save our lives. Then for the next 8-10 miles I chased him down to get his plate number. I called the police and let them know of the idiot driver. He was a bully driver and not to just me. I hope they got him. That fool! You mess with me and I will chase you down!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Single Ward Drop Out ??? Time to?
I'm 29 and I still attend a singles ward. When I was 19 and away from home my home ward was dissolved and my home ward was split into two stakes and a few wards. I came home to no home ward so I decided to start to go to a singles ward. It really was the appropriate choice for a college student to make. I have enjoyed many years in the wards while being single, but I feel it's time for a change.
Why the change? I know I'm still single, but Sunday I was late for sacrament and there was a young guy sitting out there and to be friendly I asked if he was going to the local college. He said yes, and I asked what he was studying. He answered and I commented. Then he said yeah I think I saw you there huh. I said probably not, I went there when you were a child. He said he was almost 21 so he doubted it. I thought for a second doing some math in my head and he was for real a child! I was there like 9 years ago. He was 11, not even old enough to pass the sacrament. Although he still kept flattering me by my youthful looks I knew the truth and it kinda bothered me. What am I doing in a ward full of super young people? I'm not a cougar yet! Maybe if I was 40 and dating a successful 30 year old stud I would be, but to be a cougar there needs to be a 10 year age difference and well....I don't want to temp myself with these children.
My goal right now is to move. Move where there is more options...and not just in the man field, but also the job market too.
I keep thinking about some comment my uncle made to my cousin who is just a bit older than me. I don't know why things this set of cousins say to me just stick in my head. For example, when I was a child they told me about a scary movie where a lady went to the bathroom in the dark and a snake went up her butt....I still have to look in the toilet and for sure have light on while I pee. Also, I developed faster than one of them who was a few years older than me and she told me guys don't like more than a handful. I was a D by the time I was in the 7th grade! What's a girl to think! I thought no guy would like me because my boobs were too big. ha ha ha. Ok, back to my point... My uncle told my cousin, his baby girl, that her eggs were drying out. I know it was a joke, but I need to get more serious here people. I love being single, but it's time I get a desire for more huh?
Why the change? I know I'm still single, but Sunday I was late for sacrament and there was a young guy sitting out there and to be friendly I asked if he was going to the local college. He said yes, and I asked what he was studying. He answered and I commented. Then he said yeah I think I saw you there huh. I said probably not, I went there when you were a child. He said he was almost 21 so he doubted it. I thought for a second doing some math in my head and he was for real a child! I was there like 9 years ago. He was 11, not even old enough to pass the sacrament. Although he still kept flattering me by my youthful looks I knew the truth and it kinda bothered me. What am I doing in a ward full of super young people? I'm not a cougar yet! Maybe if I was 40 and dating a successful 30 year old stud I would be, but to be a cougar there needs to be a 10 year age difference and well....I don't want to temp myself with these children.
My goal right now is to move. Move where there is more options...and not just in the man field, but also the job market too.
I keep thinking about some comment my uncle made to my cousin who is just a bit older than me. I don't know why things this set of cousins say to me just stick in my head. For example, when I was a child they told me about a scary movie where a lady went to the bathroom in the dark and a snake went up her butt....I still have to look in the toilet and for sure have light on while I pee. Also, I developed faster than one of them who was a few years older than me and she told me guys don't like more than a handful. I was a D by the time I was in the 7th grade! What's a girl to think! I thought no guy would like me because my boobs were too big. ha ha ha. Ok, back to my point... My uncle told my cousin, his baby girl, that her eggs were drying out. I know it was a joke, but I need to get more serious here people. I love being single, but it's time I get a desire for more huh?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I just haven't met you yet
I just like this song by Michael Buble. Seems fitting right now in my life.
How dare Michael for getting engaged though...dashing away those dreams and all.
How dare Michael for getting engaged though...dashing away those dreams and all.
I'm Not Surprised
Not Everything Lasts
Have Broken My Heart So Many Times,
I Stopped Keepin Track.
Talk Myself In
I Talk Myself Out
I Get All Worked Up
Then I Let Myself Down.
I Tried So Very Hard Not To Lose It
I Came Up With A Million Excuses
I Thought I Thought Of Every Possibility
And I Now Someday That It'll All Turn Out
You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
I Might Have To Wait
I'll Never Give Up
I Guess It's Half Time
And The Other Half's Luck
Wherever You Are
Whenever It's Right
You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Baby Your Love Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Possibility
And Somehow I Know That Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
They Say All's Fair
And In Love And War
But I Won't Need To Fight It
We'll Get It By It ??
To Be United
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Being In Your Life Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Single Possibility
And Someday I Know It'll All Turn Out
And I'll Work To Work It Out
Promise You Kid I'll Give More Than I Get
Than I Get Than I Get han I Get
Oh You Know It Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid To Give So Much More Than I Get
Yeah I Just Haven't Met You Yet
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Oh Promise You Kid
To Give So Much More Than I Get
I Said Love Love Love Love Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Not Everything Lasts
Have Broken My Heart So Many Times,
I Stopped Keepin Track.
Talk Myself In
I Talk Myself Out
I Get All Worked Up
Then I Let Myself Down.
I Tried So Very Hard Not To Lose It
I Came Up With A Million Excuses
I Thought I Thought Of Every Possibility
And I Now Someday That It'll All Turn Out
You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
I Might Have To Wait
I'll Never Give Up
I Guess It's Half Time
And The Other Half's Luck
Wherever You Are
Whenever It's Right
You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Baby Your Love Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Possibility
And Somehow I Know That Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
They Say All's Fair
And In Love And War
But I Won't Need To Fight It
We'll Get It By It ??
To Be United
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Being In Your Life Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Single Possibility
And Someday I Know It'll All Turn Out
And I'll Work To Work It Out
Promise You Kid I'll Give More Than I Get
Than I Get Than I Get han I Get
Oh You Know It Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid To Give So Much More Than I Get
Yeah I Just Haven't Met You Yet
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Oh Promise You Kid
To Give So Much More Than I Get
I Said Love Love Love Love Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Feeling pretty hot
I just checked my facebook and I got a message from a guy I don't know, but I am feeling pretty good right now...even if my profile photo is better than how I really look. ;)
Here is what he said...
I got this one the other day...
"passez via hasard et trouve votre photo tres jolie
Here is what he said...
You don't know me, and I don't know you. And this is going to seem really bizarre. I was browsing people on here though and came across your page today. Truth me told, all I can say is I have seen shooting stars and have been a witness to many a miracle, but never have my eyes beheld nor have my ears heard of such a beautiful heaven sent angel. Now that I've embarrassed the crap out of myself I'll stop.
Just stating my mind,
A friend
You don't know me, and I don't know you. And this is going to seem really bizarre. I was browsing people on here though and came across your page today. Truth me told, all I can say is I have seen shooting stars and have been a witness to many a miracle, but never have my eyes beheld nor have my ears heard of such a beautiful heaven sent angel. Now that I've embarrassed the crap out of myself I'll stop.
Just stating my mind,
A friend
I got this one the other day...
"passez via hasard et trouve votre photo tres jolie
bonne journee"
Again another flattering comment. This picture I have up must be pretty much the best thing out there with 2 compliments in 1 week. The first was from a really handsome young man, the second from a married man in Belgium. I guess I can be a cougar or a home wrecker? JK!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
blog thief...maybe
My friend posted this little statistics image on her blog and it made me remember how blessed I really am.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Love Jana
I told my friend Jana I needed an "about me" for the about me section of the blog. this is what she came up with. I'd love for any others :).
Some people watch The View. Here you will find mine. Welcome to this little corner of the world, full of my perceptions and a smile or two. I love spending time with Buddy. (You must see his tricks, especially the “bang!” one, no lie).
I make the best peanut butter brownies this side of the Mississippi. Well, they are superior to brownies on THAT side of the Mississippi, also, to be honest. I am quite possibly in love with the Chrysler Building and Mac products. I’m inspired by life… and the best part is? I am glad you are in it.
I make the best peanut butter brownies this side of the Mississippi. Well, they are superior to brownies on THAT side of the Mississippi, also, to be honest. I am quite possibly in love with the Chrysler Building and Mac products. I’m inspired by life… and the best part is? I am glad you are in it.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Back in THE day, God revealed to Moses the Ten Commandments to guide His people. I believe they are still valid today and we need to still obey them. One of them states the following:
In an online dictionary I quickly found this...
cov·et (k
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s."
In an online dictionary I quickly found this...
cov·et (k
v. cov·et·ed, cov·et·ing, cov·ets
1. To feel blameworthy desire for (that which is another's).
2. To wish for longingly.
To feel immoderate desire for that which is another's.
I think I'm a coveter (if that is a word) and I don't know how to stop.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I know I have mentioned experiences I have had while working, but it's what I do. I just work and am trying to pay off things to have a better life so I don't have to work so much...in reality I just need to get a career.
Ok, so on to the work experience. I'll have a bunch so you just wait. I am also working at a local hotel at the front desk. I'm a board certified butt kisser, but I really do enjoy meeting and helping out people. This last weekend I had a lady come to the front desk to ask a question about a fish in the fish tank. I told her what it was and then she started to tell me what we needed to have in the tank. It went something like this...
Lady: You should really get a seahorse in the tank. It would be so lovely to see a seahorse in there. They are just so graceful.
Me: That would be nice if there were a seahorse in there, I'll see if they are open for any requests.
Lady: Well I'll just send one to you guys. I live in Florida and there are tons in the ocean.
Me: No I don't think it would be a good idea to just send one. I'm not sure it would be allowed and we don't want a dead seahorse to come.
Lady: Oh I'll figure out how to send it. If it comes dead just flush it down the toilet.
Me: No I don't want to flush a seahorse down a toilet. It doesn't sound like a good idea.
Crazy Lady: Well we should really get 2 seahorses in there. A boy and a girl. Then they can have babies.
Me: No we don't want babies in there. When you put a snail in the tanks the reproduce like crazy and we don't want anything that does that.
Crazy Lady: What's your name?
Me: Rachel
Crazy Lady: We'll name the girl one Rachel and the boy Ron.
Me: ha ha I don't think I want it named after me and I don't like the name Ron (personal reasons)
Crazy Lady: Well we have to think of another R name. Hmmm Randy, Rick,...
Me: Why would you want it another R name?
Crazy Lady: You know R & R for REPRODUCING!
Me: ....blank stare....
Me: I don't think it will work. We can't have cross contamination going on and killing our other fish.
Crazy Lady: Oh that's too bad. Rachel and Ron would have made great babies.
On another note. Tonight some kid came to the front desk to exchange some money. Later he came back and said have you seen my brothers that we with me? I said not since you guys left. The other girl that is working tonight with me had a different view than me and said is that them and pointed in a direction. The kid, who is about 10 or so, turns around and yells "YOU DOWNS SYNDROMES!" I got the widest eyes I have had all day. I was shocked that he said that. Is that what the kids are saying these days? I'm not innocent. I say "Retarded" all the time, mainly in refering to myself and I am trying so hard to stop because I know it is so not apporpriate, but is this the new "Retard" term? It made me so mad I wanted to have a little talk with the kid.
Slap me the next time you hear that word come out of my mouth by the way.
Ok, so on to the work experience. I'll have a bunch so you just wait. I am also working at a local hotel at the front desk. I'm a board certified butt kisser, but I really do enjoy meeting and helping out people. This last weekend I had a lady come to the front desk to ask a question about a fish in the fish tank. I told her what it was and then she started to tell me what we needed to have in the tank. It went something like this...
Lady: You should really get a seahorse in the tank. It would be so lovely to see a seahorse in there. They are just so graceful.
Me: That would be nice if there were a seahorse in there, I'll see if they are open for any requests.
Lady: Well I'll just send one to you guys. I live in Florida and there are tons in the ocean.
Me: No I don't think it would be a good idea to just send one. I'm not sure it would be allowed and we don't want a dead seahorse to come.
Lady: Oh I'll figure out how to send it. If it comes dead just flush it down the toilet.
Me: No I don't want to flush a seahorse down a toilet. It doesn't sound like a good idea.
Crazy Lady: Well we should really get 2 seahorses in there. A boy and a girl. Then they can have babies.
Me: No we don't want babies in there. When you put a snail in the tanks the reproduce like crazy and we don't want anything that does that.
Crazy Lady: What's your name?
Me: Rachel
Crazy Lady: We'll name the girl one Rachel and the boy Ron.
Me: ha ha I don't think I want it named after me and I don't like the name Ron (personal reasons)
Crazy Lady: Well we have to think of another R name. Hmmm Randy, Rick,...
Me: Why would you want it another R name?
Crazy Lady: You know R & R for REPRODUCING!
Me: ....blank stare....
Me: I don't think it will work. We can't have cross contamination going on and killing our other fish.
Crazy Lady: Oh that's too bad. Rachel and Ron would have made great babies.
On another note. Tonight some kid came to the front desk to exchange some money. Later he came back and said have you seen my brothers that we with me? I said not since you guys left. The other girl that is working tonight with me had a different view than me and said is that them and pointed in a direction. The kid, who is about 10 or so, turns around and yells "YOU DOWNS SYNDROMES!" I got the widest eyes I have had all day. I was shocked that he said that. Is that what the kids are saying these days? I'm not innocent. I say "Retarded" all the time, mainly in refering to myself and I am trying so hard to stop because I know it is so not apporpriate, but is this the new "Retard" term? It made me so mad I wanted to have a little talk with the kid.
Slap me the next time you hear that word come out of my mouth by the way.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Best Fails
I found this site and of course it's late at night and I can't stop laughing. You must take a look at these!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Some people are Imbeciles...I just love that word.
I work for a lady who has MS. I like to call myself her personal assistant even though I'm really kinda sorta a care giver. I do some cleaning, cooking, errand running, and taking her out on the town. She is wheelchair bound with no ability to use her legs. When I take her out on the town to run her errands I have to assist her in getting in the van and then be her chauffeur. A handicap parking spot is key in being able to get her in and out of the van. The door needs to be open wide enough to wedge the chair in so she can transfer herself to and from the vehicle.
While driving her around it frustrates me when we can't find a handicap parking spot. It's happened before and I'm sure it will continue to happen. What really peeves me is when someone who isn't disabled borrows or somehow has a car with a handicap parking pass on it and then parks in a spot that is designated for those with disabilities for the convenience of close parking. I have parked in a handicap spot, not for a disability, but for lack of strength and pain it caused me to walk around campus after I had a serious surgery. My pass was given to me by a campus doctor and was temporary. Although it enabled me to park in a handicap spot I usually parked in the metered spots next to them with no cost to me since those were covered by the pass too. That was the only time in my life where I felt I could or needed to park in such a spot. I would never think about doing it otherwise. I am grateful for the legs I have and to be able to walk a distance into a store or wherever it may be.
Running our errands yesterday I got excited for such a perfect parking spot and it was open. We were waiting for one car to pass before I was able to go across and park in that spot. That one car happened to be full of idiots who basically did a u-turn to park the correct way in that spot. I thought what jerks not even knowing if they needed that spot, but it was like when someone takes your spot when they see your blinker on saying you saw it and it's yours. We found another spot and was a good one as well, but while I was taking her chair out of the back I noticed two ladies with way too long of hair get out of the suburban type vehicle and speed walk in like they needed to do their errands fast. There was no visible reason they needed a handicap parking spot. It totally made me mad.
I shouldn't judge. I don't know their situation. For all I know when I was back on campus after a liver resection people probably thought I didn't need to park in those spots either. I could walk just fine. I was just weaker and was trying to prevent more pain.
Still...if you don't need to then DON'T park in spots designated for another use!
While driving her around it frustrates me when we can't find a handicap parking spot. It's happened before and I'm sure it will continue to happen. What really peeves me is when someone who isn't disabled borrows or somehow has a car with a handicap parking pass on it and then parks in a spot that is designated for those with disabilities for the convenience of close parking. I have parked in a handicap spot, not for a disability, but for lack of strength and pain it caused me to walk around campus after I had a serious surgery. My pass was given to me by a campus doctor and was temporary. Although it enabled me to park in a handicap spot I usually parked in the metered spots next to them with no cost to me since those were covered by the pass too. That was the only time in my life where I felt I could or needed to park in such a spot. I would never think about doing it otherwise. I am grateful for the legs I have and to be able to walk a distance into a store or wherever it may be.
Running our errands yesterday I got excited for such a perfect parking spot and it was open. We were waiting for one car to pass before I was able to go across and park in that spot. That one car happened to be full of idiots who basically did a u-turn to park the correct way in that spot. I thought what jerks not even knowing if they needed that spot, but it was like when someone takes your spot when they see your blinker on saying you saw it and it's yours. We found another spot and was a good one as well, but while I was taking her chair out of the back I noticed two ladies with way too long of hair get out of the suburban type vehicle and speed walk in like they needed to do their errands fast. There was no visible reason they needed a handicap parking spot. It totally made me mad.
I shouldn't judge. I don't know their situation. For all I know when I was back on campus after a liver resection people probably thought I didn't need to park in those spots either. I could walk just fine. I was just weaker and was trying to prevent more pain.
Still...if you don't need to then DON'T park in spots designated for another use!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Eye Hand Coordination
I really like challenges like these. See if you can get past level 3!
The ABC's of ME
I totally took this from a friends blog, but seemed like another random fact thing about myself so why not.
A: Age - Such a bitter subject, but I'm 29. There I said it.
B: Bed Size - Full aka Double
C: Chore you hate - cleaning the bathroom, dog poop, putting away laundry...I'm sure the list goes on.
D: Dessert- Galatabutiko. The spelling could be wrong, but the dessert is so yummy. It's a Greek dessert my mom makes once in a while. Delish!
E: Essential start your day item - The bed for a few more minutes of snooze button pushing.
F: Favorite color - Purple? I'm unsure because it changes always.
G: Gold or Silver - Silver
H: Height - 5'5''
I: Interesting fact - I was once the Easter Bunny at the mall. I was an amazing bunny too.
J: Job title - Slave/Butt kisser
K: Kid(s) - Someday :)
L: Living arrangements - My dog rules the house.
M: Mom's name - Judy
N: Nickname - Rach, Ray-Ray, Ray-Ray Cita, Rachel Marizie...
O: Overnight hospital stay - I've had a few. Appendix removal, and a week later for a couple weeks after a liver resection.
P: Pet peeve - long toenails, liars, dirty dishes, people who put others down, people who make me late (way different than if it were you making yourself late), the worlds heaviest mom who wants to become 1000 lbs. She is sick.
Q: Quote from a movie - "Nobody puts Baby in the corner."...It's all I could think of at the moment.
R: Right or left handed - Left
S: Siblings - Kristin, Brian, Lindsey, and Patrick
T: Time you wake up - when it's time to get up. It changes daily.
U: Underwear - Yes, I have some.
V: Vegetable you dislike - plain tomatoes, but I like them in things.
X: X-rays you've had - Ankle for super bad sprain, Head for braces, chest/tummy area to eliminate gas as an option before they took my healthy appendix out.
Y: Yummy foods you make - baked spaghetti, chicken broccoli curry, mashed potatoes,...
Z: Zoo animals you like - I like them all.
A: Age - Such a bitter subject, but I'm 29. There I said it.
B: Bed Size - Full aka Double
C: Chore you hate - cleaning the bathroom, dog poop, putting away laundry...I'm sure the list goes on.
D: Dessert- Galatabutiko. The spelling could be wrong, but the dessert is so yummy. It's a Greek dessert my mom makes once in a while. Delish!
E: Essential start your day item - The bed for a few more minutes of snooze button pushing.
F: Favorite color - Purple? I'm unsure because it changes always.
G: Gold or Silver - Silver
H: Height - 5'5''
I: Interesting fact - I was once the Easter Bunny at the mall. I was an amazing bunny too.
J: Job title - Slave/Butt kisser
K: Kid(s) - Someday :)
L: Living arrangements - My dog rules the house.
M: Mom's name - Judy
N: Nickname - Rach, Ray-Ray, Ray-Ray Cita, Rachel Marizie...
O: Overnight hospital stay - I've had a few. Appendix removal, and a week later for a couple weeks after a liver resection.
P: Pet peeve - long toenails, liars, dirty dishes, people who put others down, people who make me late (way different than if it were you making yourself late), the worlds heaviest mom who wants to become 1000 lbs. She is sick.
Q: Quote from a movie - "Nobody puts Baby in the corner."...It's all I could think of at the moment.
R: Right or left handed - Left
S: Siblings - Kristin, Brian, Lindsey, and Patrick
T: Time you wake up - when it's time to get up. It changes daily.
U: Underwear - Yes, I have some.
V: Vegetable you dislike - plain tomatoes, but I like them in things.
X: X-rays you've had - Ankle for super bad sprain, Head for braces, chest/tummy area to eliminate gas as an option before they took my healthy appendix out.
Y: Yummy foods you make - baked spaghetti, chicken broccoli curry, mashed potatoes,...
Z: Zoo animals you like - I like them all.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I am in the state of want. I want more of this life...I want what I see other people have and I'm not very patient in waiting for it to be my turn to get it. I want a real job, I want a family, I want to travel the world, I want the perfect body, I want better hair... All are realistic wants, just right now, I don't have the means to get them.
When I was a kid I wanted so bad to have braces and glasses just like some other kids in my school. I would take my bangle bracelets and bend them so I could put them in my mouth so they would look like a retainer. Pretending only got me so far in life. I thought I had my chance as a 3rd grader to get myself a pair of glasses. My little sister who was in 1st grade needed to go get her eyes checked since the school nurse lady said she needed to. My mom made an appointment for her and I, but my old step dad was the one to take us to the eye doctors. I was so excited. I knew I would get some great glasses when I left that place. My sister took her tests and then it was my turn. I sat in the chair and did what I felt I had to do to get what I wanted. I was a nice, honest child...I didn't think it would be bad to pretend I couldn't see what he was talking about. I had no idea what the tests were for, but I played dumb and oh I thought I was genius. I couldn't see the letters on the chart, when I put the spoon over one eye I couldn't see the object on the wall moving as I switched eyes, I couldn't even see the red dot on the wall in the dark room. For all he knew I was almost blind and needed glasses so I could see better. When I left, I didn't leave with a pair of glasses. My little sister did though. She got some super cool pink reading glasses with a super girl logo on the side. I was so jealous of her. What could I have done wrong? I think that could have been my first moment where I felt like a failure because I had worked so hard at trying to act my way to a pair of glasses and came home empty handed.
Years later, and I mean years later somehow that story got brought up. My mother told me that the eye doctor called her up at work that same day and told her that I needed to see a psychiatrist. ha ha ha!!! He thought I was crazy and needed some help. I wonder why she didn't talk to me about it that day when she got off work? This is such a funny story to think I was that bad at pretending that he thought I was a nut. I still have perfect vision and am honestly grateful for it. I did however get to spend a couple years in braces and am also grateful for my mothers investment in my smile.
So, me wanting things... it's not always the right time to have them and I don't want to be a crazy in trying to get them before I can handle them. I learned to take them as they come, but I will still love today and I'll wait for tomorrow.
When I was a kid I wanted so bad to have braces and glasses just like some other kids in my school. I would take my bangle bracelets and bend them so I could put them in my mouth so they would look like a retainer. Pretending only got me so far in life. I thought I had my chance as a 3rd grader to get myself a pair of glasses. My little sister who was in 1st grade needed to go get her eyes checked since the school nurse lady said she needed to. My mom made an appointment for her and I, but my old step dad was the one to take us to the eye doctors. I was so excited. I knew I would get some great glasses when I left that place. My sister took her tests and then it was my turn. I sat in the chair and did what I felt I had to do to get what I wanted. I was a nice, honest child...I didn't think it would be bad to pretend I couldn't see what he was talking about. I had no idea what the tests were for, but I played dumb and oh I thought I was genius. I couldn't see the letters on the chart, when I put the spoon over one eye I couldn't see the object on the wall moving as I switched eyes, I couldn't even see the red dot on the wall in the dark room. For all he knew I was almost blind and needed glasses so I could see better. When I left, I didn't leave with a pair of glasses. My little sister did though. She got some super cool pink reading glasses with a super girl logo on the side. I was so jealous of her. What could I have done wrong? I think that could have been my first moment where I felt like a failure because I had worked so hard at trying to act my way to a pair of glasses and came home empty handed.
Years later, and I mean years later somehow that story got brought up. My mother told me that the eye doctor called her up at work that same day and told her that I needed to see a psychiatrist. ha ha ha!!! He thought I was crazy and needed some help. I wonder why she didn't talk to me about it that day when she got off work? This is such a funny story to think I was that bad at pretending that he thought I was a nut. I still have perfect vision and am honestly grateful for it. I did however get to spend a couple years in braces and am also grateful for my mothers investment in my smile.
So, me wanting things... it's not always the right time to have them and I don't want to be a crazy in trying to get them before I can handle them. I learned to take them as they come, but I will still love today and I'll wait for tomorrow.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Kids say the darndest things...
Today I had the cutest little boy come and talk to me. His mom was having me ring up their items and all the items were little boy clothes. The short little conversation went like this.
Me: Are all these really cool clothes for you?
Boy: Yes, some of them are for me, but some of them are for my broder.
Me: Oh you have a brother, brothers are great to play with huh.
Boy: Yes I have two brothers....And! I have one sister too! Wait I have two sisters, but one of them is a dog.
Me: Well dogs are part of the family.
He smiled and I looked at the mom and I told her how cute he was.
Got to love a kid who knows how important dogs are. :)
Me: Are all these really cool clothes for you?
Boy: Yes, some of them are for me, but some of them are for my broder.
Me: Oh you have a brother, brothers are great to play with huh.
Boy: Yes I have two brothers....And! I have one sister too! Wait I have two sisters, but one of them is a dog.
Me: Well dogs are part of the family.
He smiled and I looked at the mom and I told her how cute he was.
Got to love a kid who knows how important dogs are. :)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
So I go out with some lady friends we did some errands, went out to eat, and then saw a movie. The movie was How to Train Your Dragon and it was a really great movie. I even thought about it the next day. Kinda funny since it was a cartoon, but it left me thinking good thoughts.
While out to dinner I just ordered their soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Thought it looked yummy and I was hungry. When I took up the first spoon full of the delicious soup there was this black and white stripped thing in it. I knocked it off the spoon to look at it more closely. It was a bug! I don't even know for sure what kind of a bug it was but it had a hard type shell with black and white stripes on it. I thought it was some kind of roly-poly type bug. While looking online this is the closest image of it. So maybe what i got was half of a bug? I don't think there is any spice that is black and white striped. This thing below is called the Jerusalem Cricket...disgusting, but the article that talks about it says it's a potato bug and lives in the soil. The soup I had was a tomato soup. Potato...Tomato, could have similar bugs right?
So of course I can't even eat my meal and I completely lost my apatite. The server came, saw my plate wasn't touched and I told her there was a bug. She felt awful and got the manager for me. He was weird, but I got myself a coupon for next time...if there is a next time ;).
While out to dinner I just ordered their soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Thought it looked yummy and I was hungry. When I took up the first spoon full of the delicious soup there was this black and white stripped thing in it. I knocked it off the spoon to look at it more closely. It was a bug! I don't even know for sure what kind of a bug it was but it had a hard type shell with black and white stripes on it. I thought it was some kind of roly-poly type bug. While looking online this is the closest image of it. So maybe what i got was half of a bug? I don't think there is any spice that is black and white striped. This thing below is called the Jerusalem Cricket...disgusting, but the article that talks about it says it's a potato bug and lives in the soil. The soup I had was a tomato soup. Potato...Tomato, could have similar bugs right?
Actual Images from my meal.
So of course I can't even eat my meal and I completely lost my apatite. The server came, saw my plate wasn't touched and I told her there was a bug. She felt awful and got the manager for me. He was weird, but I got myself a coupon for next time...if there is a next time ;).
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Someone Needs to be Shot!
I don't care what language you speak, this video is just creepy. I don't get why people think it's funny in the audience as he basically molests the child. He should be shot and he is ugly and his mom should be ashamed she squeezed him out of her va-jay-jay. He wasn't worth the birth.
I don't care what language you speak, this video is just creepy. I don't get why people think it's funny in the audience as he basically molests the child. He should be shot and he is ugly and his mom should be ashamed she squeezed him out of her va-jay-jay. He wasn't worth the birth.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sick of Whoring!
I whore, I get paid to sell my body. I usually do it twice a week and probably make an extra $240 a month by doing it. It was once worth the time and effort, but I'm sick of it. It, meaning selling my plasma. I just call it whoring because in a sense there is a similar definition.
I started selling my plasma this last summer when I moved back to Idaho from Virginia and was not finding any work. It took me forever to get a job and so I did what I had to do to get by. I am still trying to do what I have to do to get by and am grateful for the couple jobs I have, but selling plasma has taken me down. I hate having to drive 30 minutes to the closest plasma center. There is one coming closer to where I am living, but we'll see how I feel then. The last 2 times I have gone I have been deferred. You can get deferred for various reasons like hydration level, temperature, heart rate, protein level, bruises, and a ton of other reasons I'm sure like finding out you have been in jail or all of the sudden have track marks. I have been deferred a few times now. Usually my heart rate is the issue, but I guess my heart reveals stress or how I'm feeling not to mention that since I have failed before I know I have an issue and I get nervous! Last time I had a bruise on my arm with a small red mark in the middle of it. The bruise was old and the red mark was new, but it was suspected to be a possible injection site...even if he was kidding. I got deferred by the nurse lady who had to come in for a second opinion and I seriously almost cried. I was so mad at him because because he was a nark and I had been passed for way worse bruises. I could feel my cheeks starting to shake as I was trying to leave and not talk to him anymore. I know he felt so bad. It was $40 that time! I lost money! To top it all off I had to sit and wait in a freezing waiting room because I carpooled with another broke friend. The worker is a friend of mine at this place now. Teases me all the time and I think he could see my cheeks shaking or tell I was all weird and different as I stormed out of the area we get asked questions. He felt so bad he asked if he could make it up to me by taking me out to lunch. We'll see, but it was a nice attempt to make me smile. I'm not some cold hearted b-word...I was just mad I wasted my time.
Today is about 2 weeks later than that last time I went. I was fortunate to be able to work more at my other jobs and with bad timing I couldn't make it to try to sell plasma. I gave it another go today and was deferred again! Heart rate, but still! That guy called me back to do my screening and I refused to have him do it and all the workers laughed and I requested someone else. He kept coming and bugging me in my booth though and my heart rate was all worked up or something. I had to go sit down for another 15 minutes and got another try at the heart rate, but fail twice and you are out for the day. I failed and it sucked. Glad the friend I went with is a fast pumper...she rocks my time always, wait there was one time I beat her and I was totally stoked.
I am totally butt hurt I have failed twice in a row, but I'll get over it...someday.
I really may miss all the characters I meet there though. I just feel so classy when I leave. Is that such a bad feeling to have? ;)
I started selling my plasma this last summer when I moved back to Idaho from Virginia and was not finding any work. It took me forever to get a job and so I did what I had to do to get by. I am still trying to do what I have to do to get by and am grateful for the couple jobs I have, but selling plasma has taken me down. I hate having to drive 30 minutes to the closest plasma center. There is one coming closer to where I am living, but we'll see how I feel then. The last 2 times I have gone I have been deferred. You can get deferred for various reasons like hydration level, temperature, heart rate, protein level, bruises, and a ton of other reasons I'm sure like finding out you have been in jail or all of the sudden have track marks. I have been deferred a few times now. Usually my heart rate is the issue, but I guess my heart reveals stress or how I'm feeling not to mention that since I have failed before I know I have an issue and I get nervous! Last time I had a bruise on my arm with a small red mark in the middle of it. The bruise was old and the red mark was new, but it was suspected to be a possible injection site...even if he was kidding. I got deferred by the nurse lady who had to come in for a second opinion and I seriously almost cried. I was so mad at him because because he was a nark and I had been passed for way worse bruises. I could feel my cheeks starting to shake as I was trying to leave and not talk to him anymore. I know he felt so bad. It was $40 that time! I lost money! To top it all off I had to sit and wait in a freezing waiting room because I carpooled with another broke friend. The worker is a friend of mine at this place now. Teases me all the time and I think he could see my cheeks shaking or tell I was all weird and different as I stormed out of the area we get asked questions. He felt so bad he asked if he could make it up to me by taking me out to lunch. We'll see, but it was a nice attempt to make me smile. I'm not some cold hearted b-word...I was just mad I wasted my time.
Today is about 2 weeks later than that last time I went. I was fortunate to be able to work more at my other jobs and with bad timing I couldn't make it to try to sell plasma. I gave it another go today and was deferred again! Heart rate, but still! That guy called me back to do my screening and I refused to have him do it and all the workers laughed and I requested someone else. He kept coming and bugging me in my booth though and my heart rate was all worked up or something. I had to go sit down for another 15 minutes and got another try at the heart rate, but fail twice and you are out for the day. I failed and it sucked. Glad the friend I went with is a fast pumper...she rocks my time always, wait there was one time I beat her and I was totally stoked.
I am totally butt hurt I have failed twice in a row, but I'll get over it...someday.
I really may miss all the characters I meet there though. I just feel so classy when I leave. Is that such a bad feeling to have? ;)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Agent Rachel
I am obviously not doing my dream job and after an event a couple years ago and going through some hard times I am trying to find that dream again. Anyway, I work a couple jobs and whore (sell plasma) a couple times a week too. I'm doing what I have to do to get by. Although I don't love love my jobs, today I had a very full and interesting day at work. One of my jobs is to slave at a retail store. I know slave is such an extreme word and really doesn't apply...I just wish they would pay me more. This week they gave me full time hours which I didn't mind at all and since they could give more hours out this week they had during some periods a couple extra people which made it less stressful on us. Normally I ring people up, tell them about all the savings they can get by having one of the stores cards...in hopes that they will sign up and I can look like I am doing a good job, and then get them on their way with a bag full of amazing things they saved a ton on. Today I was helping out with fitting rooms, specifically the junior fitting rooms. It truly breaks my heart when someone shop lifts because I know those kids have so much more potential. Since this week in our area was spring break the youngster were out in hordes and making a mess. The LP dude, loss preventions, walks around and does his thing and when he is on the hunt I sometimes don't know what to do with myself. I am not an actor. I cannot play poker to save my life (plus I don't really know all the rules and I would show excitement if I got one ace thinking I was about to win). I just want to think everyone is honest too. I was in the fitting room area and the LP guy comes and is doing his thing and I had things to do, but I was sticking around to see what was going to be going down. Then later he came up to me and said I need you to put a head set on so while he is watching through the cameras he could tell me what to do if he was suspecting someone. I was excited, but soon realized I was acting like a freak. I came back to the area after helping someone out and I heard in my ear "check the junior fitting rooms". I need to say that this frequency is used by tons and it took me a few seconds to realize he was talking to me. I had picked up a clothing item off the floor and started to hang it up, but realizing something was or could be about to go down I just tossed the item, literally tossed it over a fixture, and got to the rooms to check it out. Then when things were clear I realized how spastic I was. When I was done he said "did you copy Rachel?" I said they were clear, but I figured he was watching me in the cameras. All in all it gave me more to do and kind of changed up the day.
Oh also, I got I think the equivalent of employee of the month there today. I didn't even know what it was, but they explained to me all I got and it is quite great. Great to be recognized and appreciated. :) I got $25, front row parking for a month, a stadium blanket, put in a drawing for a paid day off, some other small things. So fun! I don't mind some extra money :).
Tonight I also went and saw The Last Song with some friends. Great movie. I balled at a part, and when you see it I think you will know what part that is...also balled again remembering the part on the way out. It's a sweet movie and I would say one of the better Nicolas Sparks movies, but not as good as the Notebook. What could top that really?
Oh also, I got I think the equivalent of employee of the month there today. I didn't even know what it was, but they explained to me all I got and it is quite great. Great to be recognized and appreciated. :) I got $25, front row parking for a month, a stadium blanket, put in a drawing for a paid day off, some other small things. So fun! I don't mind some extra money :).
Tonight I also went and saw The Last Song with some friends. Great movie. I balled at a part, and when you see it I think you will know what part that is...also balled again remembering the part on the way out. It's a sweet movie and I would say one of the better Nicolas Sparks movies, but not as good as the Notebook. What could top that really?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Define Rachel
The Urban Dictionary definitions of my name...well just 10 of them anyway. I would say most of them are pretty positive and of course like me. ;) The Urban Dictionary usually cracks me up with most of their definitions.
1. Rachel
1. Rachel
The most edible female name.
2. Rachel
A smart, sassy and sexy young woman who knows things from fashion to film to literature, from Manolo Blahniks to Mahatma Gandhi. She impressed everybody in the meeting. She's such a Rachel. |
3. Rachel
Hebrew name meaning 'an ewe', or 'little lamb'. Symbolizes purity.
Rachel is the best name ever!
4. Rachel
rachel's are usually cute and pretty. have a good body and are smart. they also tend to be popular and silly and like to fool around
damn that girl is hot she's probably a rachel.
5. Rachel
1. She's the girl that everyone is jealous of...sexy, fun, smart, outgoing, and easy to talk to. She has a heart of gold and although she might seem bulletproof, she's caring and sensitive on the inside.
2. A girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind or be herself. Watch out boys, she's a heart-breaker. A girl who won't settle for anything but the best, but rightfully so. She doesn't need a man to have a good time.
3. She's the friend you call at 2am when you need someone to tell you that everything's going to be ok. Sweet, comforting, and a great listener.
2. A girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind or be herself. Watch out boys, she's a heart-breaker. A girl who won't settle for anything but the best, but rightfully so. She doesn't need a man to have a good time.
3. She's the friend you call at 2am when you need someone to tell you that everything's going to be ok. Sweet, comforting, and a great listener.
1. Did you see that chick's hot bod? I'm so jealous. She's such a Rachel.
2. Damn, I wish I was still with Rachel. She looks like she's having such a good time without me.
3. She was so sweet to me when I needed a friend...such a Rachel.
2. Damn, I wish I was still with Rachel. She looks like she's having such a good time without me.
3. She was so sweet to me when I needed a friend...such a Rachel.
6. Rachel
n.) one, usually a girl but can be a really fem man, who spazzes about everything, but in a fun, lovable and entertaining way.
note: these spazzes are not bad like flipping out on someone, they are energetic ways of telling interesting or non-interesting stories
note: these spazzes are not bad like flipping out on someone, they are energetic ways of telling interesting or non-interesting stories
look at how her hands are shaking, she's such a rachel.
7. Rachel
one of the sweetest most kindest person in the world who is always right. And she'll tell you so!She also really likes Larry the cable guy who is one of the biggest rednecks of our time!!!
I love you Mom!!!!
I love you Mom!!!!
"Git-r-done" Larry the cable guy
8. Rachel
Rachels are so fabulous you have no idea what has just hit you. When you walk down a street you can instantly spot a Rachel just from her sparkling eyes, and amazing bod. Rachel's are sexy, funny, beautiful and awesome to be around. You are seriously lucky if you know a Rachel. Rachel's are the most fun you can have without eating cheeseburgers.
I love that Rachel, she's so great, and I always have fun, even when we aren't eating cheeseburgers.
9. Rachel
A extremely sexy, hot and attractive female that attracts every guy that she meets
Joe: I meet a totally hot girl last night
Michael: I know, I saw you with her. She is such a Rachel
Michael: I know, I saw you with her. She is such a Rachel
10. Rachel
has a big but and i can not lie you other brothers cant deny when rachel walks in with a ity bity waist and a roud thing in your face you get SPRONG!!!!
hey Rachel. "WHo's There"
Someday I'll come up with my own definition, but I wouldn't mind hearing yours.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Birthday Fun
I am another year older today. I really do have a problem with aging. I still look young and feel young, but I just hate getting a higher number for my age each year. Aside from the age thing I had a great day. It started out with people wishing me a Happy Birthday and then I made myself look all cute and left to go to lunch with some friends. When I got out to my car and realize some people have attacked my car with window paint and filled my car with balloons.
They must have had inside help and I had no clue till I was running late for lunch. I ran back inside to get a pin to pop the balloons in the front seat and did a quick job so I could drive to a car wash. So glad my friends took the pictures while doing it because it didn't look this pretty for me. It was a damp night and the paint just bleed off the car and the words were not visible. I drove to the car wash down the street. Paid big bucks to drive through it and realized when the wax coat was being applied the paint had not been washed off at all. I called my friends to say I would be later for lunch and tried to figure out what to do. I called the number listed on the wall and talked to some kid who told me I needed to wash my car by hand to get the stuff off. He said he would put in his code to wash it with the brush...I scrubbed and scrubbed and there is still paint on my car. Who would have thought?...not me. Just glad they had fun doing it and it was fun to see these pictures.
Because I was being taken out to dinner from my mom some of my best friends made me lunch and had a really cute cake made for me too.
Brooke did a great job with the cake for sure. It was super yummy too. These girls are just awesome. They all have boys and they were running around the house and yard. The funniest part was when Sydney's son all of the sudden was naked in the backyard and I jokingly said he was pooping and started to laugh because I thought I was tricking her. She ran outside and turns out there was a pile of human poop on the ground. ha ha ha...poor girl had to pick it up like I would pick up my dogs poo on a hike. It's so funny to watch these girls as mothers. Someday it will be me when all their kids are grown and they can laugh at me like I do at them, but for now...I'm glad i don't have to pick up my kids poop.
After lunch they gave me presents. Who doesn't enjoy presents? The one good thing about turning old is you get presents! Yeah!!! One of my presents included going to the spa an hour later for sitting in a dry sauna and a foot bath where you get toxins taken out of you. I've done the foot bath before and it really is gross to see what comes out...as you'll see in the photos. Just know the water starts off clear. I wish I would have known I was about to sweat it out because I wouldn't have tried to look so cute for lunch. All turned out well though and I really enjoyed time with my friends.
My mom took me out to dinner. I chose a place that I have never been to before and well...we weren't impressed. Kinda disappointed actually. I think a lot of it had to do with the service and how our server didn't take our order for like an hour after we got there and at the end we had to take our bill to the front because she never returned...and it wasn't even busy. We were there for 2 hours, but glad I got to try a new place. I also picked it because I wanted to try sushi and I love wasabi on it. My brother and mom were like "Rachel that stuff is hot" and I said I know I have had it before, but oh my...I guess I really put a bit on the first piece I tried. My nose was cleared instantly, but the funny thing was the heat went beyond my nose and the top of my head felt like it was burning. Went away fast, but I have never felt that before.
They must have had inside help and I had no clue till I was running late for lunch. I ran back inside to get a pin to pop the balloons in the front seat and did a quick job so I could drive to a car wash. So glad my friends took the pictures while doing it because it didn't look this pretty for me. It was a damp night and the paint just bleed off the car and the words were not visible. I drove to the car wash down the street. Paid big bucks to drive through it and realized when the wax coat was being applied the paint had not been washed off at all. I called my friends to say I would be later for lunch and tried to figure out what to do. I called the number listed on the wall and talked to some kid who told me I needed to wash my car by hand to get the stuff off. He said he would put in his code to wash it with the brush...I scrubbed and scrubbed and there is still paint on my car. Who would have thought?...not me. Just glad they had fun doing it and it was fun to see these pictures.
Because I was being taken out to dinner from my mom some of my best friends made me lunch and had a really cute cake made for me too.
Brooke did a great job with the cake for sure. It was super yummy too. These girls are just awesome. They all have boys and they were running around the house and yard. The funniest part was when Sydney's son all of the sudden was naked in the backyard and I jokingly said he was pooping and started to laugh because I thought I was tricking her. She ran outside and turns out there was a pile of human poop on the ground. ha ha ha...poor girl had to pick it up like I would pick up my dogs poo on a hike. It's so funny to watch these girls as mothers. Someday it will be me when all their kids are grown and they can laugh at me like I do at them, but for now...I'm glad i don't have to pick up my kids poop.
After lunch they gave me presents. Who doesn't enjoy presents? The one good thing about turning old is you get presents! Yeah!!! One of my presents included going to the spa an hour later for sitting in a dry sauna and a foot bath where you get toxins taken out of you. I've done the foot bath before and it really is gross to see what comes out...as you'll see in the photos. Just know the water starts off clear. I wish I would have known I was about to sweat it out because I wouldn't have tried to look so cute for lunch. All turned out well though and I really enjoyed time with my friends.
My mom took me out to dinner. I chose a place that I have never been to before and well...we weren't impressed. Kinda disappointed actually. I think a lot of it had to do with the service and how our server didn't take our order for like an hour after we got there and at the end we had to take our bill to the front because she never returned...and it wasn't even busy. We were there for 2 hours, but glad I got to try a new place. I also picked it because I wanted to try sushi and I love wasabi on it. My brother and mom were like "Rachel that stuff is hot" and I said I know I have had it before, but oh my...I guess I really put a bit on the first piece I tried. My nose was cleared instantly, but the funny thing was the heat went beyond my nose and the top of my head felt like it was burning. Went away fast, but I have never felt that before.
After that I went to FHE...well the end of it and some friends and others went out for Gooeys at the resort and those are always fun times. It was all in all a really great day filled with tons of birthday wishes and great people who love me. :)
Monday, March 15, 2010
Instant Joy
A friend just sent me this link and I just smiled. I hope you guys love it too.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Oscar Fashion 2010
Now I know I'm no fashion expert or will even pretend to act like I know what I am talking about. So the following images and comments are just my simple opinion. These are by no means personal attacks, they are just comments made towards beautiful woman while trying to make myself feel better about me. Isn't that how it goes when you put someone down? I am sure I will give lots of compliments as well. Don't you worry.
Charlize Theron wearing one of my favorite colors, but what is up with the roses on her boobs? I just feel they are oddly placed.
Carey Mulligan- I honestly don't know who she is, but she is way cute. I love her hair and her outfit has some very fun elements to it. I wish I could find a close up of the bead work. Those are various items like scissors. It's like classy goth. Love it.
Anna Kendrick- Pretty girl, but that color is so light. I just feel like her skin tone is too close to the dress color.
Cameron Diaz- She looks beautiful.
Just a beautiful couple.
Colline Firth and his lady friend- Handsome man as always. Think he had me at Mr. Darcy, but her shoulder poof with her purse...one or the other needs to go.
Gaboure Sidibe- You go girl!
Gerard Butler- He just melts my heart. I am glad he looks amazing because I could never say anything bad about him.
Jeff Bridges- Too much hair man, and why the heck was he in the We Are The World 25 for Haiti song? You can click here to view it. Does he sing and I just never knew it?
Jennifer Lopez- That dress is just awkward...I suppose if one leg got tired the crazy side could still hold her up.
Just not the right dress even though one looks classy and one looks trashy.
Miley- You actually look great, but your mom...tell her to stop whatever she is doing.
Too much facial hair Keanu, I just can't get past it.
Mariah, I know you are a cougar, but you got your man...stop flaunting everything you got.
Too much going on Molly...sorry hun, but the hair and all the metal looks like you belonged in Egypt back in the day.
Rachel McAdams- I love this look.
Sara Jessica Parker- To me you can look pretty and then you can look just bad. I don't know what it is about you. But, I'm sorry to say...this wasn't a good look for you. What happened to your hair? It is all frizzy on top.
Vera Farmgia- Need a fan anyone?
Zoe Saldana- I love how this looks when it's moving.
Sara Jessica Parker- To me you can look pretty and then you can look just bad. I don't know what it is about you. But, I'm sorry to say...this wasn't a good look for you. What happened to your hair? It is all frizzy on top.
Vera Farmgia- Need a fan anyone?
Zoe Saldana- I love how this looks when it's moving.
I think you have seen enough. I do think the Academy Awards are my favorite to see all year. Can't wait till next year! Congratulations to all that won!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Good People Still Exist
Today I was working one of my jobs. I help out a lady a couple days a week running errands, cleaning, and cooking for her. She is a great lady and I really enjoy being around her. Today I did some of her grocery shopping. She had me get a couple of nice cooking sheets for baking cookies. We got some nice ones that weren't cheap. I put the groceries in my car and drove back to her house. I like to try to get all the bags into the house with only one trip or I feel like I have failed. I was able to do it all in one trip, but as soon as I set the bags down I realized I didn't bring in the cookie sheets. They never made it to my car! So I rush back to the store, check the cart area where I had put the cart and it wasn't there. I went to the lady who checked me out to see if they were still there...she said she had to take them out to correct the discount, but she thought she put them back in and then directed me to the customer service counter. There I had to wait in a long line. About 4 people ahead of me I saw a lady turn in those baking sheets! I looked at her as she walked away and thought how I am grateful how there are still honest people in this world. I had to wait for at least 5 more minutes but seemed way longer to tell them I left without baking sheets and I was able to get them back. I don't know what I would have done had that lady not turned them in. Just saved me a lot of hassle and stress and I appreciate her and people like her.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Why Women stay single !!
This guy is a freak. I laugh every time I hear it. Even if you have heard this before it's always good to know that most guys aren't like him.
25 Random things about ME
I wrote this about a year ago...but thought I would share it with the blogging world.
1. Once upon a time I had straight hair…went curly when puberty hit, but oh how I appreciate my chi straightener sometimes.
2. I have never broken a bone, but I have sprained an ankle pretty bad.
3. I didn’t have a name for 8 days. Dad wanted to name me Leslie Ann and mom…well I’m not a Leslie am I?
4. I have a ton of best friends…I wouldn’t have it any other way.
5. I made up a short list when I was younger that I wanted my future husband to have. All really silly things and do not apply today, but at the time it was important to me.
7. I have no sense of direction. I could get lost anywhere. My mom gave that trait to me.
8. One of my favorite buildings is the Chrysler Building in NYC. It’s a still must see.
9. I did a lot of school in my life. I think I have enough credit hours to be a Dr, but all undergrad.
10. I had ¼ of my liver removed a week after having my healthy appendix taken out.
11. When I was a kid I wanted to be an OBGYN, professional ice skater, and a factory worker…I think I really liked how they made crayons on Mr. Rogers. I still like seeing how things are made.
12. I go to the hockey games mainly for the fights.
13. I was born on the Ides of March.
14. I moved to Virginia with two bags and less than 24 hours notice.
15. I love Mac Makeup, but really only have the eye stuff…someday I will be able to afford it all.
16. Waking up in the morning is not a talent I have, but I wish it was at least easier to do.
17. I love cold cereal, but not always the sugary stuff.
18. I had a grandpa that had one leg. When we were kids and didn’t want to sleep we decided to play “Grandpa” and we would put on leg in our pj pants knee first and tie the end in a knot and hop around the house with our one leg laughing. That’s not making fun right? I hope my kids play “Grandpa”.
19. I love to smile and be smiled at.
20. I hate aging. It’s totally a number thing.
21. Long toe nails gross me out.
22. I have been skydiving once and would love to go again.
23. I love to bust out singing, but I would prefer the music to be louder than my voice so no one could hear.
24. With specific bubble gum I can blow at least a double bubble.
25. My favorite TV shows come on the same night at the same time.
1. Once upon a time I had straight hair…went curly when puberty hit, but oh how I appreciate my chi straightener sometimes.
2. I have never broken a bone, but I have sprained an ankle pretty bad.
3. I didn’t have a name for 8 days. Dad wanted to name me Leslie Ann and mom…well I’m not a Leslie am I?
4. I have a ton of best friends…I wouldn’t have it any other way.
5. I made up a short list when I was younger that I wanted my future husband to have. All really silly things and do not apply today, but at the time it was important to me.
- Had to be taller than me
- Had to have a last name that was closer to the beginning of the alphabet than mine…I was tired of being last.
- Had to be right handed because I am left handed…the idea was we could hold hands and still function.
- Had to have straight hair…I hated having curly hair at the time and I wanted to give my kids a chance.
7. I have no sense of direction. I could get lost anywhere. My mom gave that trait to me.
8. One of my favorite buildings is the Chrysler Building in NYC. It’s a still must see.
9. I did a lot of school in my life. I think I have enough credit hours to be a Dr, but all undergrad.
10. I had ¼ of my liver removed a week after having my healthy appendix taken out.
11. When I was a kid I wanted to be an OBGYN, professional ice skater, and a factory worker…I think I really liked how they made crayons on Mr. Rogers. I still like seeing how things are made.
12. I go to the hockey games mainly for the fights.
13. I was born on the Ides of March.
14. I moved to Virginia with two bags and less than 24 hours notice.
15. I love Mac Makeup, but really only have the eye stuff…someday I will be able to afford it all.
16. Waking up in the morning is not a talent I have, but I wish it was at least easier to do.
17. I love cold cereal, but not always the sugary stuff.
18. I had a grandpa that had one leg. When we were kids and didn’t want to sleep we decided to play “Grandpa” and we would put on leg in our pj pants knee first and tie the end in a knot and hop around the house with our one leg laughing. That’s not making fun right? I hope my kids play “Grandpa”.
19. I love to smile and be smiled at.
20. I hate aging. It’s totally a number thing.
21. Long toe nails gross me out.
22. I have been skydiving once and would love to go again.
23. I love to bust out singing, but I would prefer the music to be louder than my voice so no one could hear.
24. With specific bubble gum I can blow at least a double bubble.
25. My favorite TV shows come on the same night at the same time.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I love Mac!
Today was a pretty good day...full, but good. I woke up and worked one of my jobs and after that I went and got my hair cut. It was in dyer need of a cut and it's a bit shorter than I would like, but it was a must to fix a previous haircut. While getting my hair done I was able to catch up with 2 good friends so who doesn't like that? I had her make me look good because I decided the since my drivers license is going to expire in a couple weeks I would just go looking hot for my picture...why didn't I think about this years ago? It's only logical to go after your hair is styled and looking good vs. waiting for your license to expire and having to go as fast as you can so you don't run the risk of getting a ticket (Mandy I know you are reading this and I saw your husband there at the DMV...I know you had an expired license since this summer! Shame on you ;)).
For Christmas I asked for make-up. Weird? Maybe, but totally practical since I needed a replenishment of product and I hadn't purchased any at this place for about 2 years...shame on me for that I know. So, for Christmas my mother included a bit of money for me to get what I wanted with it. I kept the cash in a drawer...if I put it anywhere else it would have been spent and I really wanted this makeup. Mac is the best makeup ever and it is my goal if I don't ever get in my field to be a Mac make-up artist. I think I will apply this week in fact. I took one of my good friends so she could become a mac girl...it's really the only way to go. We both got our makeup done to show us a new look. The girl was awesome, but I wouldn't expect less. I ended up spending more than my goal...I really did try to resist. I think I did ok, but maybe I really didn't need those fake lashes? I just have always wanted to try! We'll see if I can put them back on my eyes and if they start to feel better on them too. My eyes watered for a bit...was kinda funny.
I had to pay for parking at this mall and there was an idiot that helped me. As I was getting out my parking pass I noticed the sign on the desk that said something like cash payment is appreciated, but I didn't have any. I handed him my debit card. He swipes it and says..."it's taking longer than normal to be approved and when it usually takes this long it's denied."...then "Yup it's been denied." He said it really loud and there was a line behind me. I told him there was money in my account and to try again. He said "Do you want me to try it manually?...as if I was going to say no, obviously I wanted him to try whatever he could. Then it went through and I said don't scare me like that and some other things that made my friend laugh. When I deal with credit cards at any job I have always try twice before I tell someone they have been denied. He was an idiot.
My friend and I were starving afterwords and stopped to get a quick bite to eat. As we were leaving this kid asked my friend if we had any cigarettes. She said she didn't and as I was getting out my keys I said to her..."does it look like we want to get premature wrinkles?" I mean seriously dude, do we look like smokers? We are too classy for that. I don't even think he was old enough to buy them.
But, the comment that topped off the entire day was the ladies at the Mac counter who really thought I did my makeup well. What a compliment! :)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Nestle Hotline
I just learned that the Nestle hotline is a pretty funny number to call. They have a fun menu.
1-800-295-0051. If you get a busy signal, try again! When asked if you want to continue in English or Spanish, DON'T DO ANYTHING and wait quietly for about 10-30 secs and you will smile. Keep going and press 4. Then press 7. This will absolutely MAKE YOUR DAY!!...they are pretty random, but this fun menu is great so make sure you try out more.
I think I'll support these products more often just because they did something cool like that.Saturday, February 20, 2010
Smoke this!
Yesterday, while waiting to whore (sell plasma), I was sitting in the lobby trying to watch the movie playing on the TV which happened to be Turner and Hooch. Such a great 80's movie I had forgotten about...just love loyal animals. Anyway, this loud mouthed idiot annoyed the crap out of me. He was talking to his greasy haired girlfriend about how he is outraged that him as a smoker, and one who buys a lot of cigarettes, is not getting personal credit for helping out the public school system from all the extra taxes he is paying on his cigarettes. What an idiot! I'll give him some personal credit for smelling the worst in there and for acting like an jerk to his girlfriend! As my good friend Lara would say, he was a "Lord Summers Eve"...or douchebag for those who are not familiar with this new term (Summers Eve is a feminine product...females=Lady Summers Eve, Men=Lord Summers Eve). To his girlfriend who was very kind to him and although she was greasy deserved a better guy than him. He ridiculed her for what she just put in her mouth. Again, in his loud annoying voice read every caloric count, fat grams, and whatever else is listed on the packaging and told her how she wasn't one who needed to eat such bad things. She just said she was hungry and he told her something degrading again.
I'll say it again...he was a Lord Summers Eve so go smoke your cigarette, stop breathing in my direction and shut up.
I'll say it again...he was a Lord Summers Eve so go smoke your cigarette, stop breathing in my direction and shut up.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Pregnant Man
I was just looking through my email and for some reason I am being sent Momlogic emails. I have no clue how I started to get those emails since I am not a mother, but I haven't really minded them yet. They seem to have some interesting articles. This one article was about Thomas Beatie, we all know him as the former beauty queen turned man that is pregnant. He first started to appear in the media about 3 years ago. Him and his wife are expecting their 3rd child and he is exposing his pregnant belly for the world to see. Thomas is a transgender living as a male, so if you have not been exposed to him yet...he still has his woman parts and is still able to have babies.
Anyway, this post is to not make fun or light of this family that is having babies. I guess I'm just confused about these pictures. Thomas lives as and looks like a male, but these pictures expose his upper half. He has had his breasts removed as you can tell from the flat look and the scar, but is that enough to make them male? These were woman boobies before and as far as I remember girls don't usually get exposed like that in photos for the world to see without it being inappropriate. I don't know why I am thinking of it like this, but I am. :(
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines Day to me

The drawing above is a drawing I did for a class. We were asked to do a self portrait. I guess I was a little abstract in the way I didn't go about drawing myself, but I felt what I drew expressed me. The hand, started off as another image I found. I saw a picture of a hand with the same writing on it, but I drew my hand instead. I love hands. I think hands mean so much...being a creative person, I use my hands to create. Hands are also symbolic and hold great power in my faith. Hands just are beautiful and you can tell so much by a persons hands. But the words of love on the hand is just me wanting to love and be loved. The flower is my love for natures beauty and how beauty is simple. The building is the Chrysler building, my favorite piece of modern architecture. I have a love for the built environment as well.
I love me and I hope you love yourself too.
Happy Valentines Day!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
"As Seen on TV"
I have to admit that I'm a sucker for products that are shown on TV. To me the ease and the outcome just fascinate me. I catch myself watching the success of the ones shown in the ad that I can't wait to try it. I don't just start busting out my credit card to order off the TV, but I wait...wait till it comes to our stores for an affordable price. So since I have some experience with some of these "as seen on TV" products I would like to give a product review and the following products.
Pedi Paws- "The incredible nail trimmer"for animals.
This product seemed like the answer for my dog who wont let anyone touch his feet. We have taken him to groomers and they have told us they will never let him come back. We have taken him to the vet and had him sedated in order to get the job done, but all isn't worth it to put him through that trauma anymore. So, when this product came out I knew it was a must try. I purchased it and well...it wasn't like the peaceful nail trimmer it claims to be. Buddy still freaked out and I had to put this wrap around his eyes and face. My idea behind this was like the vets do for horses. You know how they cover their eyes so they don't get spooked. I thought making sure his mouth was covered would make him not snip at us. Needless to say, I didn't keep this on him long and it wasn't worth the efforts to keep trying. My male dog will just have to file down his nails by walking on concrete.
ShamWow!- holds 12x it's weight in liquid
Bumpit- Big Happy Hair

After wanting to try this product for a good while a friend bought it for me. I was so excited I went home and straightened my hair so I could try it right away and look hot. I just didn't have the skills to use this bumpit...or it just wasn't so easy to use. Maybe my hair is just too thin? All I know is that this Bumpit is a fake and I don't like it. It never said only those with super thick hair can use it. I also am starting to notice those who use these products. No one wants to see the plastic piece stuck in your hair to create volume. I'm a fan of negative space, but not in your hair. Just sad...if you can see it...don't use it. You are just better off with flat hair. I have only tried it once and I do know others that really do like it.
Smooth Away-Easy, Safe & Painless Hair removal
Easy...yes, but it takes forever. Painless...could be if sensitive areas didn't break out. Safe...yeah I suppose so. The thing about this product is that it works best on fine hair and has to be a little long. 1 day of growth on your legs doesn't really get taken away by this product. I tried it on my arm and it just really smelt of burnt hair after. I'm just not a fan of this product, but I really did want to be. :(
Ped Egg- Foot file
I think this product is great. Sure you need to get a new one once in a while, but it's easy and does the job. :)
Sometimes my faith in "as seen on TV" products is rejuvenated, but I am sure not all will be what I expected.
Pedi Paws- "The incredible nail trimmer"for animals.
This product seemed like the answer for my dog who wont let anyone touch his feet. We have taken him to groomers and they have told us they will never let him come back. We have taken him to the vet and had him sedated in order to get the job done, but all isn't worth it to put him through that trauma anymore. So, when this product came out I knew it was a must try. I purchased it and well...it wasn't like the peaceful nail trimmer it claims to be. Buddy still freaked out and I had to put this wrap around his eyes and face. My idea behind this was like the vets do for horses. You know how they cover their eyes so they don't get spooked. I thought making sure his mouth was covered would make him not snip at us. Needless to say, I didn't keep this on him long and it wasn't worth the efforts to keep trying. My male dog will just have to file down his nails by walking on concrete.
ShamWow!- holds 12x it's weight in liquid
- Easily removes cola, wine and pet stains
- Doesn't drip, doesn't make a mess
- Washes, dries, and polishes any surface
- Won't scratch any surface
- Machine washable and bleachable
- Lasts ten years
Bumpit- Big Happy Hair

After wanting to try this product for a good while a friend bought it for me. I was so excited I went home and straightened my hair so I could try it right away and look hot. I just didn't have the skills to use this bumpit...or it just wasn't so easy to use. Maybe my hair is just too thin? All I know is that this Bumpit is a fake and I don't like it. It never said only those with super thick hair can use it. I also am starting to notice those who use these products. No one wants to see the plastic piece stuck in your hair to create volume. I'm a fan of negative space, but not in your hair. Just sad...if you can see it...don't use it. You are just better off with flat hair. I have only tried it once and I do know others that really do like it.
Smooth Away-Easy, Safe & Painless Hair removal
Ped Egg- Foot file
Sometimes my faith in "as seen on TV" products is rejuvenated, but I am sure not all will be what I expected.
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